Thursday 13 November 2014

Videoconference with our American epals

Next week we are holding our first videoconference with our American epals. Their school, Park Middle School is located in New Jersey, USA. My 2 ESO students are thrilled with this new experience. They have been exchanging email messages ( with their respective epals for the last month and they are really looking forward to this event. Hopefully, this will be the first videoconference of many others.
My students will get some general knowledge about New Jersey and Park Middle School from the following webtask that I have created:

Let's enjoy this experience!

Friday 7 November 2014


My 2 ESO and Diversificación students are working hard on a speaking & listening-based project through which I put them to a weekly test. They must reach the goals that I set every week by watching and speaking some videos. Thanks to this online tool they can improve enormously their oral skills in English. You can check out their development by clicking on these links:

Monday 12 May 2014

2º ESO: Decorate!

This is a nice game that you can play to improve and test your vocabulary about household items. Have a go... and play! Click on the following link to start.

Monday 7 April 2014

2º ESO: Addicted to technology

Hello everyone! This time I want to put my 2º ESO students to a test. We have just finished the unit whose main topic is 'digital technology'. This is a video about how technology can affect our brain and its pros and cons. Watch the video and choose the answers to the questions below.


1. What's the main topic?
a. health issues
b. technology addiction & possible health issues
c. the Internet

2. The average young person spends ........ each day exposed to digital technology
a. 7 hours
b. 8 hours
c. 8 hours 30 minutes

3. Technology is altering our brain. Is it........?
a. all bad
b. all good
c. not all bad, not all good

4. What affects your brain? (choose the best answer).
a. everything you do
b. the time you spend on the Internet
c. Reading

5. What's a digital native?
a. someone who was born at a time when technology was widely used
b. someone who started using a computer at age 3
c. someone who started using a computer when they were older

6. What's a digital immigrant?
a. someone who was born at a time when technology was widely used
b. someone who hates technology and tries to avoid computers
c. someone who has come to technology later in life

7. What does the writer suggest to overcome the technology gap between generations?
a. to mix the generations, kids and grandparents help each other
b. There is no solution to overcome it
c. Both kids and grandparents should go to school together

8. Surgeons who play videogames…
a. make more mistakes in the operating room
b. make fewer mistakes in the operating room
c. go nuts

9. What's not a problem caused by technology addiction?
a. grumpiness
b. loss of human contact
c. worse symptoms of attention-deficit disorder

10. What have pediatricians recommended for children who are under two years old?
a. play as many videogames as possible
b. play videogames for only an hour a day
c. no videogames or television

Send me the answers by writing a comment in this post. The deadline is Sunday 20th April. Let's give it a try!

Friday 21 March 2014

2º ESO: Text message

Hello folks. Do you enjoy sending text messages? This time you will have to try to understand and rewrite the following chat into proper English. Send me the answers in the comments. Deadline: Friday 28th March. Good luck!